Ordering, confirming, tracking, verifying, preparing and identifying electronic components for a PC assembly can be very time-consuming and a bit tricky.  

  1. We highly recommend ordering components only from an Authorized Distribution source or directly from the manufacturer.  Rule #1 will help avoid the issue of counterfeit components.
  2. Confirming the component intended delivery date, expediting (as necessary), and tracking the order until delivery takes effort.  It’s a necessary step to avoid missing shipments going unnoticed until it’s critical.
  3. Once materials arrive, they need to be counted; but most importantly, verified.  All handling of the components needs to be done within an ESD safe zone with ESD safe handling processes.  A digital microscope is a valuable tool as you read part markings, values, etc.  Always decipher or compare with the datasheet to know that the component ordered is indeed the part received.  Most all issues are uncovered during the verification process.

  4. Should a board-level performance issue arise, it is very important to have retained the original Lot Code and Manufacturing data from the shipping packages of each of the components to ensure the traceability.  This information will be required to enlist manufacturers support.
  5. Prepare the components for the chosen assembly requirements.  Each assembly facility has a list of consigned kit requirements.  These requirements need to be under consideration at the time of purchase and again at material prep time.  They may include items such as length of leaders and trailers, reel preference, allowable types of splicing, and overage (attrition) guidelines.
  6. Label the components to provide an efficient and  accurate audit prior to assembly.  The label does not need to be fancy.  The information must be easy to read, consistent with the original BOM, and contain all pertinent information.

Assembled PC boards can consist of thousands of components.  At best, one issue slipping by can throw a deadline out the window;  the worst that can happen is unimaginable.

In addition to the processes identified so far, the kit preparation may involve numerous phone calls, issuing of purchase orders, packing slips, invoices, RMA resolutions, etc.  California Integration Coordinators, Inc. is known as a leader in the area of procurement and kit preparation.  Call us – (530) 626-6168 if you have any questions or would like some assistance.